Tuesday 8 January 2019

making the right move

So I've joined the Writers' Bureau, 'Comprehensive Home Study Writing Course.' This isn't the first time I've joined, either. last time was about a million years ago. But back then I took one look at the assignments for the non-fiction and decided there and then I wasn't doing it. Plus, I didn't expect there would be so much hard work involved in getting published. That's back when I thought I knew everything and my writing was up there with the best. Obviously now I look back at some of that work and cringe. Especially a children's story I wrote about a gnome who lived in a garden and basically did fuck all from what I can tell. I'm going to have to face writing for children on this course at some point, and let me tell you, people, I am breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

Anyway, the first assignment has been sent off and returned. All was good, just a little correcting on my bad editing. I'm working on the second assignment now. Well, actually I'm not am I? I'm sat here writing on this blog but you know, in my head I'm honestly working on it. Oh, I've subscribed to two magazines; Writers' Forum and Writing Magazine. If anyone has any other mags they think I should subscribe to, hit me up. I'd love to know. I'm especially looking for magazines of the psychological thriller/horror type that accept submissions. I've got my eye on Interzone which is one I've read in the past and enjoyed. But would love to view some more.